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Sunday, May 1, 2011

Name That Tune

Listen First!

Now, Answer these Questions:

** What do you think the song was about?
** Is there an analogy that the artist is conveying?

**Do you think the song would have a different meaning if there were more instruments?

Here are the facts: 

            Christina Perri describes a relationship between “Penguins”. She is making an analogy that people will meet their soul mates and mate for life just like penguins do. That fate would bring people together and all we need is time. “Love like this may come once” she is saying that when the time comes don’t second guess yourself, “it’s fate not luck”. Was your interpretation of the song the same?

            Lyrics are stories, messages, and connections, which are shared to everyone every time the song is played. The music played along with the lyrics creates a mood. The words may bring pain and sorrow or even rejoice. If you took the beat away would you feel different? Would the song have a totally different meaning to you? Would you have a different approach or mood? The artist’s job is to connect with you. To connect a side not even your closest friends or family know about. It's a journey that only the artist and yourself are on. Today I will be talking about the lyrics artists sing and how they have changed over the years. From creating a message, to just singing in your head to a tune you sing all day long. For all of us it's different, but the artist’s intention is the same. Get their story across and remain a top hit. In the end, lyrics are the pathway and link that only you and the artist share.

Without lyrics, the listener controls the mood or interpretation of the song. With lyrics the artists conveys a specific message to their listener. How do these songs change if the lyrics are known or unknown? Misunderstood lyrics deliver a completely different message. For example:

How many of these songs would you always get the lyrics wrong? And therefore change the meaning to the song.

Jimmy Eat Worlds – “ In The Middle”

What It Sounded Like – “It just takes some time, little bit of in the middle of the rhyme.”            

What They Really Said: – “It just takes some time, little girl you’re in the middle of the ride.”

Monkees – “I’m A Believer”

What It Sounded Like – “When I needed sunshine on my brain.”

What They Really Said – “When I needed sunshine I got rain.”


  1. Zack, I loved this blog post as I can easily relate to it. I have commonly confused and misheard lyrics in several songs. For instance, in Dobie Gray's 'Drift Away,' I thought for many years that Gray said in the song, "Give me the Beach Boys and free my soul" rather than that 'give me the beat, boys and free my soul.' This post helps clarify those lyrical mistakes for listeners like me.

  2. Zack I really like how you approached the format of this post. Although very different it made total sense for the point you were making. I personally believe that lyrics are becoming less and less important in popular music of today. I think that bands who focus more on the lyrics should make a comeback. A band who might just do that in my opinion is Mumford and Sons. Although their music is "pop-ish" it has meaningful lyrics and great rhythm. Great Job on the post

  3. Great thinking on the blog Zack, I wonder lyrics on different songs to. I like how you give insight to that because there are more people I believe that don't know the right lyrics then that do.

  4. Zack this was a great blog post! Like Omeed, I frequently mess up lyrics to songs because of how they sound to me. Lyrics determine the emotion of a song. I believe that the quality of lyrics make or break one, as well.

  5. Interesting, Zack. Mrs. Lewis always misunderstood Elton John's "Bennie and the Jets" to be "Bunnies on her chest". And I always misunderstood Elton John's "Hold me closer tiny dancer" to be "Hold me close I'm trying to dance here". Maybe there should be a post about Elton John?

  6. Awsome blog Zack. I loved the way you set this up to get your point across.I can really relate to this song and you will always catch people singing the wrong lyrics to a song because the beat will somtimes throw off the sound of the lyrics.
